Eris square Pluto, Cinderella, and Quantum Energy Part 2

Eris, The Goddess of Discord and Strife is powerful energy. In order to be effective, she has to be strong, and volatile, to catapult us. Wise Eris inspires us to become the best, most virtuous version of ourselves, but through facing the discord and strife…

Pluto the planet of destruction and transformation. Soon, in August and September 2021, Eris will aspect Pluto in a stressful square for the last two of five times.

However, the period of influence of such a long transit extends well beyond these direct hits. Eris will still be in close orb to Pluto in 2024. The years of the aftermath is usually the most important phase of a such a transit, in which people realise and recognise that things had in fact changed.

This article quite deliberately explores and expresses great polarities, to demonstrate there is nothing mediocre about them. There are things to look at, and lessons to be learnt… It’s just a pity that so few go willingly. Most go kicking and screaming.

Image: The real life Neuschwanstein Castle the famous castle in Germany located in Fussen. Stock.

Image: The real life Neuschwanstein Castle the famous castle in Germany located in Fussen. Stock.

Eris represents strength and wisdom gained in dark places. She is the transmutation of shame or trauma into power, sharp instincts, and unshakable serenity.
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This is part two of a story, mostly about Eris the Goddess of Discord and Strife, who by nature is powerful and forceful, but those who learn to work with Eris energy wisely, can wield a powerful sword, absolute masterfully. During Eris square Pluto transits, people may get knocked down, but there is great benefit in understanding the anatomy of this aspect, and the total change, that tends to bring great blessings, when we are willing to work with the energy constructively. These understandings and knowledge, are very, very valuable… and its for free on this website…

In ancient Greece, mythology was used to council the population, and introduce them to life’s simple lessons. Very few had anything good to say about Eris unfortunately, and this two part series describes why few have been able to understand her; because they have not been willing to do what it takes - to understand her... Eris was probably the least popular goddess in Greece. There were no temples to her, and there is no record of anyone praying for her favour. All the gods and goddesses were

eager to ignore and exclude her. And it is due to this neglect, that she has grown larger than life, in the form of epidemics; like narcissism, psychological projection, scapegoating, dark psychology etc. Ignorance is not bliss, that much is evident. At first glance, Greek poet Hesiod’s words describing hard-hearted Eris seem justified, that things can go into the dark extreme, as the energy becomes:

Slanderous, tongued envy, with look of deadly hate. Rejoicing in the misfortunes of others”.

How can such an archetype possibly be a hero, or restore order to a world in turmoil?

How can there be a happily ever after for emotionally mature, virtuous Cinderella, with such destructive forces at work? Keep reading…

Eris: The Goddess that Grew Bigger, the Greek hero Heracles, and suffering with the hard-hearted

Righteous anger and envy are powerful and potentially destructive emotions, yet those who fail to understand it and how it is particularly triggered during Eris transits, suffer anyway… Even though people don’t feel comfortable to have their ego’s and their own narratives challenged, Eris shows why it is necessary. Ignorance is not bliss…

I recently had a very interesting thought, and in an instant after that, I understood how it applied to Cinderella and her experience of her empty, emotionally immature and envious stepsisters: “there is something wrong with people who don’t have any abundance of their own, who want to energy vampire it off of others”.

Story 1:

There are two interesting story lines about Eris getting bigger. Firstly, Homer mentioned Eris often in the Iliad, the great epic poem he wrote about the Trojan war Eris ‘supposedly’ had started. One aspect of Eris that he noted was how her physical presence changed over time. This brilliant article lays out, that when Eris first appeared in a location, she was very small. She was even smaller than human children, and hardly noticeable. Homer used the personification of strife, as a metaphor to show how conflicts could change over time. The idea is that a disagreement that had started as a minor matter, morphed into a conflict, and a strife the longer it went, changing over time into something perhaps more powerful, and overwhelming.

The longer Eris was present, the larger she would become, until she was so large that her head would brush against the heavens, or she towered over the entire earth… Hurling out the bitterness of resentments, conflicts, and strife upon people.

Like lava, projectiles and ash spewing from a rupturing volcano. Imagine that!

Story 2:

Image: Marble head of Herakles via Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

Another article mentions Eris in Aesop’s fables. Hercules is the Roman name for the Greek hero Herakles, another heroic character in Greek mythology. Herakles was walking through a narrow pass on his way to pick golden apples from the Garden of the Hesperides, when he observed an apple on the floor. He hit the apple with his club, but rather than it being smashed, the apple expanded to twice its size. After he strikes the apple harder a second time, it expanded once again, but to the size that it blocked Heracles’s way. He dropped the club, and stood there dumbfounded. Athena saw him there, and told him not be so surprised. She explained that it was an apple of Eris, that would stay small if left alone, but if it was fought, then it would keep expanding, just as strife does.

The lesson? What can you do for immature people, who cannot get out of their stuck energy, who cannot manifest good things into their lives, but wants to thwart or sabotage your life in the process?

The answer; nothing much… and if you did, you might regret it. The book Cinderella and her Sisters describe in extraordinary detail, from expert psychologists’s point of view, what may happen when the envied tries to reason with an empty envier. Don’t believe me? Think that I am exaggerating? Go and read it for yourself.

The immensely torturous, grievous and manipulative pull from these empty people, is like the force of the ship Titanic while sinking; it’s going to pull down with it, whatever it can, with great force.

Like Heracles, you will be absolutely amazed at the gigantic proportions the envied/envier dynamic can take… I guarantee at least a few jaw drop moments when you read that book… It’s no joke unfortunately… These people can be a liability to the happiness of those around them, and unless you understand how to stay afloat while that ship is going down, you’re going to suffer losses…

This is not about forsaking, condemning, or abandoning envious abusers, it's about:

  • liberating yourself,

  • overcoming crises through compassion,

  • no longer being in denial,

  • using all of your resourcefulness,

  • fighting to the end for your Self,

  • and striving the hardest to grow.

These two Eris stories show that in responding to anger with anger, you just perpetuate cycles of anger; it doesn’t heal the pain that is underneath the anger.

Eris has painful feelings of being snubbed, excluded, feeling vulnerable and insecure, but this defensiveness has to be worked with on an individual level, so we can have a compassionate approach to others as well. But ultimately, we cannot do the work for someone else…

The sheer amount of ‘lack of success’ suffered under these Eris square Pluto transits, which happen to co-inside with the carnage of the corona virus, are mind boggling… We really need to learn these lessons, and take in the bigger picture; how can be become more conscious and mature, and make better choices.

To understand the anatomy of ENVY through Eris’ discovery chart, and why the “My Way or the Highway” ego people want to dump their bad feelings through psychological projection and scapegoating, to cause harm to Eris higher expression people, see this article. Taking someone’s good nature as an open invitation to be a complete asshole.

The Two Faces of Eris:

Eris is the catalyst for growth, and with personal growth comes great blessings. The problem is, that some look at the blessings of others, and get envious. They want those blessings badly, but may be completely unwilling to work with Eris energy, as Eris stirs the psychological issues that most people don’t want to look at. How can you get the goodies, if you’re not willing to do the work?

Poet Hesiod is one of few who affirmed Eris’ worth and praise. Eris made a person eager to work by showing them the prosperity of their neighbour, yet he cautioned that Eris who delights in mischief should be avoided. Alison Chester-Lambert writes in her book, The Future in the Stars: The Astrological Message for 2012 and Beyond, that Eris energy can be:

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“A blessing, because it gives us healthy envy of others that will stir us into action when we see their achievements. We look at their wealth and industry and determine to achieve our own success. If we go with the bad Eris, then we may get involved in vengeful acts of envy and dishonesty that waste our time and prevent our own success.”

Alison continues, that Hesiod clearly demonstrates the two different faces of Eris, and Hays [Heber Michel Hays who wrote in 1918] says:

“They are vividly portrayed, the one impelling to dishonest and forcible aggression, the other to honourable and peaceful competition. The dramatic opposition of the two is striking.”

Hesiod’s demonstration of the two different aspects of Eris shows the theme of duality of Kuiper Belt planets (the disc-like zone beyond the orbit of Neptune is called the Kuiper Belt). Things are never what they seem on the surface. Alison’s chapter on Eris in her book, is another resource well worth exploring.

The Higher Expression Eris’ Light is Bright, And Triggers for Lack of Honesty to be Seen

When we stir other’s insecurities, it has a great effect, and this is clearly visible on social media, where one person may be perceived for a quality, that activates feelings of discomfort, like envy or jealousy, in others. These are practical examples of what I’m seeing, echoed by Billy Joel in this song Honesty.

I [Eris] help to bring justice and equality to all, but from the inside. I wake people up by making them realize that none of us are whole until all of us are whole.

I bring discord and chaos, for that is how I communicate my messages. And it is through this, that I am able to inspire change.
— Tanaaz from

As someone who has been using social media for many years, it has become quite evident, that since the Eris square Pluto aspect started in the beginning of 2020, many people have reported relationship problems of immense proportions, related to this. Suddenly the masks came off, and they saw, perhaps for the first time, how friends, work colleagues, business partners etc. had not been emotionally in integrity, with hidden agendas, intentions and emotions. Looking at them and their abundance, in terms of how the success can be utilised, in a collaboration, to get what they want.

Opportunists may have been using them for selfish reasons, undermining them, not acknowledging their value, or how important they are to the whole. They realise how self-serving frienemies had been playing them, trying to control them, demeaning them by influencing other’s perception of them. Some had even deliberately tried to negatively impact self esteem, so that the abused would lower their standards for them. It’s brutal game playing, and it’s ugly to realise the scale and having a mirror held up; to what is going on in the hearts of mankind during Eris square Pluto. Here is a reminder:

Pluto governs personal power, and power itself, including struggles between people and countries for domination. The need to always be “right” and in control can force arguments with others.

Eris is exposing what abusers don't want to look at, in themselves, and what they are doing to disempower and disadvantage others.

Hindsight is often 2020, and many have taken the time during Co-vid lockdowns, to understand what had happened to them.

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Emotionally mature people tend to self-reflect and self-evaluate in order to understand their experiences, which is why some may fair better during Eris transits. Some may have had enjoyed great success, perhaps as an influencer on social media, or some other stage that is in the public eye. Emotional maturity and authenticity are often the source of their success. They want to share their abundance and the fruits of their labours with others, and this may contribute to other’s eagerness to investment in them. Genuine influencers have a desire in their hearts, to not only share self-empowerment, and transformation, and blessings with followers, but to help others as well; in compassion. Inspiring others to be the best versions of themselves. They are nurturing, giving, enchanting, and they offer people the opportunity to be part of something beautiful and true, with them, but unfortunately Eris square Pluto lifts the lid on a Pandora’s box.

It has become a challenge to stay close to authentic self, hold self-confidence, and keep emotional purity in place, but many are slowly learning to accept the realities.

The Perspective Shifts of Eris square Pluto

People are seeing right through the innocent whimsical masks, and fake love-bombing.

Previous articles have already explored the increased difficulties, that some emotionally immature and those with narcissistic tendencies have in resonating with these heart-centred influencers. They are attracted to authentic influential people, like a fly to a pile of shit, but it is for the wrong reasons, due to the good feelings derived from the social status and admiration they amass. It has become too difficult for these parties to remain associates, or even be around each other. What used to be a source of inspiration and enjoyment, may have become a rivalry, and a competition. Why?

Eris is here, showing what had been there all along, but had not been named; the ugly truth.

These parties are now totally out of alignment. Why? When we stir other’s insecurities. It’s like striking a match and holding it against the skin, there is going to be a painful reaction.

The influencer may still have an open compassionate heart, in these challenging times, but they find that the reciprocity have suddenly disappeared. Equal give and take flies out of the window. Good things get destroyed. Seemingly good people suddenly become extremely selfish, self-serving, and reckless in their behaviour. The inquiring mind of the influencer may find that there may have been underlying jealousies, insecurities or triggering for some time, which some can no longer hide behind a facade, nor put up the pretence for. There is a sad, sad realisation, that not everyone is prepared to do the personal ‘shadow’ work that challenges the ego, and their own narratives.

There is a sadness, as an unexpected veil is lifted from the eyes, and the unfolding conflict is seen for what it really is.

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Some people are asleep to the nature of their own shadow, and being stirred into facing it, is jarring; they would rather pretend, be deceptive, and fool others with the ego game playing instead.

There is a realisation that some people or relationships that had previously been seen as having potential or worth, now seem quite the opposite… Because they are not true to form, and we may not have perceived how psychologically, emotionally challenged, or chameleon-like some are, because they had been deliberately hiding it well.

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There may be grief at these discoveries, but both Eris and Pluto doesn’t allow the truth to remain in the dark. After careful consideration of the shared experiences, and cultivating objectivity and confidence, some may realise that their discernment of the situation is indeed correct. Those who are willing to take responsibility for themselves, can see this bigger picture more readily. We have to have compassion for ourselves, and others: that the reality is what it is. Coming to these conclusions is not a form of judgement on Self or others, it is growing into an acceptance that we did not see through the illusions.

The Eris square Pluto transit of 2020/2021 have brought significant awakenings, personal transformations, and catalysts of change, to people’s lives, to the point where many can no longer ‘unsee’ what is clearly visible.

Some may have utilised the Co-Vid isolation, to make significant personal leaps and bounds in their vibration, and there is no going back to old ways of being. Some may have become, an even brighter light than they realise… Perhaps shining light into dark places, where unconscious ‘things’ lurk; where awareness and healing are needed. Some can simply no longer ignore this illumination, and the significant differences at play, triggering discomfort…

Learning to accept the death and failure of some relationships, is part of this time. Some are not salvageable. Truths cannot be unseen. New resonance is waiting to be discovered.

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There are five exact Eris square Pluto aspects, and the last two are about to occur on 27 Augusts and 9 October 2021. There is a realisation that in some situations or relationships there is no more opportunity for growth. Accepting realities, and being ejected from old situations, may catapult a person in a new, exciting direction, where there IS opportunity for growth.

This is a time when the wheat is separated from the chaff, as the bible describes it. The energetic divide between some become too great and too problematic. They can’t co-exist in the same energy that they used to anymore. For more examples of this, see the book Cinderella and Her Sisters - The Envied and the Envying, by Barry and Ann Ulanov. It describes in great detail, how the personal challenges, the jealousies and triggering of issues, can cause such a chasm between people, that it may reach a point of no return.

If we exclude Eris, she will find a way to make her energy felt.
— Louise Edington, Astrologer
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Eris: Blame Game, We’re not on the same Wavelength

Discord is intimately connected to relations, and not being able to resonate with certain people anymore, perhaps because they are hard-hearted and their hearts are closed off. Or differences are too large, and there is no longer harmony. Perhaps because truths were revealed surround true intentions, like greed, self-indulgence, etc.


Discord (chord) finds its echo in musical dissonance, or rather when notes sounding together simultaneously don’t produce a mutual reinforcement. There is a friction in the relation, causing a disjunction, or a jarring bouncing-back from one another.

Eris shows that the war of wars can begin with a kindled jealousy. And the root of it all can be so small, that it is easily overlooked. This is why it is so easy to play the blame game and indulge in the dizzy tangle of forgetting and over fixation.

We look for a cause, and as we think we get closer, we may realise that it may just be another deflection, with roots hidden elsewhere. The origin illusive, but worth seeking. When the bread-trail is followed back to Eris, it is tempting to rest there and scapegoat her. But did Eris really cause the discord and strife, or is she just the one who named what was already there?

And it is up to you to own your vulnerability, your pain and all your feelings, and not back down from being honest.
— Tom Jacobs, Astrologer on Eris

In his podcast (23 min), astrologer Tom Jacobs explains that Eris is where we lash out when we feel weak or timid, and ask ourselves; what do we do when we feel others are hurting us? What do we do when we feel wronged or used?

When others challenge us, push our buttons, and make us feel small, what are we going to do? Or when we feel vulnerable, because others are mocking us? Or we feel deliberately excluded? We have to learn to deal with emotions, observe them, and allow them with compassion for Self, and get grounded.

Feeling discord prevents the heart from hearing its echo, its correspondence; meaning what is in alignment with the heart.

Keep reading for a beautiful example in the next article, in part 3…

Eris square Pluto dates, and Eris transits 2020 - 2028

Transit Eris in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn five times causing opportunity for growth and awareness. The dates are:

  • 26 January 2020

  • 14 June 2020

  • 10 December 2020

  • 27 August 2021

  • 9 October 2021

  • Personal planets will continue to stir the trigger points with conjunctions.

  • In orb October 10 ~ Feb 11 2023

  • In orb April 8 2023 ~ December 26 2023

  • In orb July 27 2024 ~ November 2 2024

  • Leaves November 3 2024.

Starting in 2024 to 2028, Eris and Chiron will be conjunct in Aries.

In 2027, Saturn will start its conjunction to Eris, going into 2028.

We are going to see this energy for some time to come…

Better learn to deal with the energy sooner, rather than later.

Take responsibility for your Self is the antidote.


More Articles on Astrological Eris: