Eris, Jesus Christ, and the Stirring of Emotional Issues

Image: Padua - heart of Jesus Christ paint in Duomo. Click to enlarge.

Image: Padua - heart of Jesus Christ paint in Duomo. Click to enlarge.

From the moment he planted a kiss on Jesus of Nazareth in the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas Iscariot sealed his own fate: to be remembered as history’s most famous traitor.

Once one of Jesus’s most trusted disciples, Judas became the epitome for treachery and cowardice. People have been trying to understand this betrayal for ages. Why would Judas have done this to someone he loved so dearly?

Through astrology, myth and new understandings of human psychology, we may finally be able to feel a deeper understanding of the potential influence of Eris energy, and all that she excavates from deep within the human being. Eris energy can shape both masters like Jesus, and the reckless, like Judas.

Eris takes us within, to view those aspects that sabotage our vibrancy, confidence and ability to thrive. Like everything else, it’s possible for us to internalise our ‘oppressors’ so that they become unconscious forces. Eris wants to root them out. Will you go along with her, and call out the elephant in the room, and allow the pressing of your buttons?

Jesus of Nazareth was the ultimate heart-centred influencer. He was possibly the one person in history, who stirred the most divergent emotions in people, than anyone else. He had a tremendous influence on those who knew him personally, for different reasons. And due to the guilts and shame associated with modern religion, there are still many strong, but mixed feelings towards Jesus Christ.

This article circles around the psychological issues that the presence of the Master potentially stirred in those around him. And also the nature of the Master.

I initiated the writing of this article during the latter part of July 2021, just as the dwarf planet Eris started her station to go retrograde; feeling her energy and teachings intensely. Eris will be in retrograde until 11 January 2022, and issues of truth, integrity and power are alive, with threads of revolution versus repression. Eris is the mythological Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife, the issues of the heart that are currently stirring, and rising up in each individual in the collective.

There are many different reasons and ideas around why people either loved Jesus, or despised him greatly, that I don’t want to get into. I have thought about this narrative many times. How Jesus might have felt to have lured such divergent emotions and reactions from people, and dealing with the fallout. He simply touched everyone with his masterful presence, and he genuinely cared and wanted to help, yet some resented and hated him so passionately for the influence he had.

Those who spontaneously stumble across this article, may not understand some concepts, unless they have read previous articles on this website about astrological Eris. Only then may they see the bigger picture…

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This story involves Eris in Astrology, psychology and ancient myth.

If these topics are not for you, then please don’t continue reading, as it may offend your sensibilities or religious beliefs.

Who was Jesus, or Yeshua Ben Joseph?

Jesus was one of the main characters of The Holy Bible, and known as a spiritual Master. I know the story well, because I grew up going to church every Sunday for more than a decade. I was intrigued by the holy man. I probably read the bible more than any kid my age. In recent times, my understandings of the human psyche has deepened, thanks to understanding Eris energy better. And how this relates to the many crises we are experiencing as human beings.

Image: A relief of Jesus and Apostles in the Mount of Olives, church of Saint Matthew in Stitar, Croatia. Stock.

Jesus’s Golden Halo of Awareness

Why did Jesus have a halo around him?

There are many different ideas around this, not only in Christianity, but other religions and spiritual traditions as well. In depictions and paintings, Jesus - and at times his twelve disciples - were shown with a large golden circle around their heads. Jesus explained to people that he was inspired by The Holy Spirit. And he clearly had an ‘otherworldly’ wisdom, knowledge and understanding. He travelled on foot with his following, giving teachings to those who wanted to listen; on how to live, learn, grow, and do introspection.

Jesus often told simple but powerful stories. They were designed to illustrate or teach some truth. Large crowds often gathered around him, sitting in stillness to take it in. A parable is a story used to illustrate a moral, or spiritual lesson. They were focussed on how to learn lessons from life’s situations, detaching from negative things, people and situations; to bring in healing, understanding, spiritual transformation, and wisdom. He taught on how to stay on the right path, by being guided by The Holy Spirit to take the higher road. He taught people about cause and effect, and the returns of engaging with people of low moral character; who might pull others down to their level. These people are not good for your growth…

Jesus emitted a kind of light, wisdom, and growth, that was foreign to everyone around him. His choices and vibration directed his reactions and responses. He exuded emotional health, and truth in any situation. Those who adored him were simply drawn in by his presence, or energy.

In this article, I want to focus on the fact that Jesus had an aura of authenticity and emotional maturity around him. He was highly aware, and emotionally stable by nature.

Due to his maturity, he didn’t follow on the more superficial things that interested others. Many people at the time did not have these qualities, but they wanted to be around him to observe, learn and be influenced, and gain that understanding. To be of a higher vibration, more aware, and a more peaceful person. Jesus was the ultimate influencer of his time, with his open heart. Not stooping to the level of the haters, walking away from the politics, revolutions and rebellions of the time, and taking the higher road. Jesus knew it was not worth it to engage in this kind of negativity. He saw a bigger picture, and vision for his life.

The Emotional Health and Wellbeing of Yeshua

There is a modern misconception in religion, that proclaim that we must always be happy and positive, and if not, we need help. Emotions have been categorised into negative and positive, or good and bad emotions. Jesus knew the value of healthy sensing and feeling.

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The world teaches that happiness, rejoicing, and peace are good and positive emotions and we must seek for them, and that sorrow, anger, and mourning are bad and need to be cured.

The bible actually shows evidence that Jesus had all the characteristics of an emotionally mature human being. Jesus could be joyful, peaceful, pacifying, angry, sorrowful, mourn over others and weep tears. He understood that human life was hard, with many tribulations. That human

beings are innately feeling and sensing, and those who were unable to hold empathy and followed unrighteous living were perhaps accused of following the devil. Was he talking about the human ego, or real demonic beings? Perhaps both? Witches, dark magic, ritualists and spell-work practitioners were mentioned in the Holy Bible.

The book of Isaiah describes Jesus as "a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief" (53:3). But we see later that He was a joyful man, who was happy and celebrated with others. Jesus had an open, compassionate energy, and many of his teachings centred around healthy emotions, morally correct behaviour and right actions. The bible also shows that Jesus could express and channel his anger in healthy and appropriate-to-the-situation ways. Jesus was quite possibly very passionate about his teachings, to have drawn such dedication and crowds wherever he went. To be passionate is to be moved. It is to hold strong feelings or beliefs.

Some passages in the bible shows that Jesus was deeply moved with compassion for other’s suffering, and also wasn’t swayed by crowds into building popularity, or settling for the social and religious conventions of the day. At times he was deeply intentional and resolute, as the time when he walked passed a leper, felt deep compassion for him, and would not move on before bestowing the gift of healing.

Eris: Triggering of Emotions, Resulting in Lovers and Haters

Jesus was authentic, feeling and emotionally mature, and I believe these qualities drew all kinds of people, and emotional reactions from them in.

The Holy Bible is abundant in examples of those who loved him and loathed him.

Jesus’s presence drew drama, conflict and controversy, like most (social media) influencers tend to do, due to his heart-focussed nature, and state of being. He had haters, envy, jealousy, bitchiness etc. around him. Jesus wasn’t welcome in many of the places where people gathered to listen to him. Many spoke against him, and had nothing good to say. Some of his biggest enemies (read competition) were the scribes and Pharisees, even the Roman government. Society in general had narrow vision, they couldn’t ‘grow up’, doing and repeating the same self-sabotaging things that were holding them back. Most were inconsistent, indecisive, immature, off-centred, and too drama-filled. Their emotional instability made them manipulative, testing, game playing, untrustworthy, selfish; they had nothing

Image: Jesus Christ via Wikimedia Commons.

good to bring to the table. Totally unwilling to develop mentally, emotionally, or mature overall in consciousness.

Many wanted to destroy Jesus, by snuffing out his bright light, that made them look and feel bad about themselves; about their poor choices that led to poor character and bad outcomes.

The vibrational level of the vast majority of people around Jesus was very low, and he must have stirred a great deal of discord and strife in the hearts of men, just like astrological Eris does when she is activated.

This article details that Jesus Christ did most of his teachings in parables; explaining to his disciples in Matthew 13:10-17 that those who sought ‘God’ would grasp the deeper meaning, while the truth would be hidden from unbelievers. This might have been a safer format for Jesus in which to deliver the words of wisdom, about the nature of the divine to those who gathered to listen. He would be able to teach higher truths, and only those who sought to understand, were able to comprehend them. The characteristics of a parable is described as follows: "Parables often incorporate elements of surprise and exaggeration. They are taught in such an interesting and compelling manner that the listener cannot escape the truth in it. Parables ask listeners to make judgments on the events of the story. As a result, listeners must make similar judgments in their own lives. They force the listener to make a decision or come to a moment of truth. Typically parables leave no room for gray areas. The listener is forced to see the truth in concrete rather than abstract pictures." These truths would confront the darkness that lies hidden inside each individual who had the ambition to be like Jesus. Those who had the deep desire, had to be teachable, willing to change, and confront very deep dark human temptations… and if not, their inner potential for self-destruction might work against them in the most tragic of ways.

Despite all the good Jesus did and beneficial influence he had on others, unfortunately many were just not on the same wavelength. And like-minded people were just too few.

Despite the deep compassion he felt for those around him, even among His own disciples, Judas, ultimately became an enemy.

Betraying Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane with a kiss. By identifying Jesus to the Jewish authorities, Judas set into motion the series of events that became the foundations of the Christian faith: Jesus’s arrest, his trial, his death by crucifixion, and eventually his resurrection, known collectively as the Passion of Christ. Wrongdoing during Eris transits, are also known to put a series of events in motion, with very far-reaching consequences…

The more I considered Jesus and the emotional reactions he stirred in people, the more I started to see the hand of Eris energy at play here…

To date, I have written eight amazing articles about Eris energy. This is fascinating stuff…

Eris: Truth Bombs, Shocking Emotional Revelations and Reactions, and the School of Fast-track-to-Growth

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I think both the problem and the genius of Jesus’s parables were that they brought all sorts of internal shocks of surprises forth, that probably brought embarrassment, and made people uncomfortable. Having an Eris mirror held up to your face, can be extremely intimidating, scary and shocking, because they show the difficult emotions we have shoved down, perhaps because they get in the way of us moving forward with life when we want to intensely focus on something else, or simply because they make us uncomfortable. What is hidden in the unconscious can be frightening. Confronting vulnerability and insecurity, and deep seated emotions such as guilt and shame can be tremendously challenging. Jesus knew this, but how do you best explain this journey to fresh students? We mistakenly believe that we’ve got our emotions under control, when we’ve merely shoved them under the surface, where they fester and gain power, just waiting for the right moment to be unleashed. Nobody likes this surprise sprung on them. Many of us don’t want to admit to jealousy, resentment or anger, some of the most common feelings a human can experience. Repressed anger is particularly insidious, as it tends to express itself powerfully when it is not consciously directed; and it can do great harm…

In myth, Eris was the one goddess in the Greek world who did more than just start every fight… she was also the last to end one.

Eris transits show that it is time for something emotional, unacknowledged or buried deep, to be brought out into the light. Until you do, there won’t be an end to the personal strife.

Emotional mastery comes with acknowledging and accepting these emotions and paying them their due, which is part of the mastery that Jesus had attained, and continued to maintain.

But those around Jesus, were just in the early stages of learning. And as many modern spiritual seekers already know, the path to enlightenment is lonely and paved with many challenges and inner strife. When we had worked so hard to suppress a particular emotion, or bought into a lie about ourselves, it makes itself particularly obnoxious. There are no feelings so powerful as those that are repressed. Eris is a metaphor for the difficult emotional matter we have ignored, but in a moment, Eris may throw a divine monkey wrench into people’s carefully laid plans and lives, bringing what we may have thought to have been processed and dealt with, to rise up. Eris represents what happens when we refuse to go into that place, or to acknowledge what we’ve ignored. We did not even know that we had a particular conflict within ourselves, and to have it suddenly violently triggered, perhaps in front of others, is not an experience for the faint of heart. It takes great courage and maturity to walk the journey that Jesus took to Self mastery.

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Jesus’s followers had to go through a process of accepting these truths about themselves and these ‘Eris teachable moments’ as part of growing as a human. It was necessary, if the followers wanted to be on the fast-track to growth, and move into mastery, like Jesus. His followers had to learn to examine dilemmas in life, and the simple solutions; that there are emotional currents that have to be acknowledged, before we can be healthy, whole individuals. There is also some unhealthy habits, illusions, addictions and co-dependencies that will have to be dropped, which can take time and work. These parables teach the necessity of letting the old go, that does not serve a higher purpose. There is some ‘inventive’ growing up and maturing to do in this ‘school’, before an individual can move into their innate abundance.

The Morally Corrupt and Narcissism

The master saw right through the ego mind games, the narcism of the MIND, the emotional temptations to indulge in low vibrations, and smoke and mirrors deflections of people, and yet Jesus felt compassion for the human experience. He must have known he was in dangerous territory. Eris' apple of discord is associated with the underworld, which is where all our subconscious impulses live. And some of the people, and the reactions that Jesus received, must have been downright frightening…

Among those attracted to Jesus’s light, were the morally corrupt, and those who had the ability to ruin everything around them, through things like psychological warmongering and devil energy. A morally corrupt person is someone who in their mind has justified an action that is “evil”, to be fair and “ok”. Or it could be something far worse… Such as a psychopath who honestly believes manipulating and ruining another person’s life, is “ok”. Perhaps because they consider themselves superior to others, or think those who fall for their action, deserve the consequences. This is a very common among those with narcissistic traits. Jesus talks about them quite a bit in his parables…

Some who were triggered by Jesus, wanted to take that goodness out of him. Some wanted to bring him down, and perhaps even make others see things about Jesus, that wasn’t true. Despite the dirt that haters put on him, Jesus was aware. He did not play into behaving the way that others projected onto him. Jesus knew that it did not matter how people perceived him, because some saw his goodness, and others saw projections of evil. He knew he could not change them, and that it is no good trying to control, or influence their perceptions.

Some groups of people, were trying to analyse Jesus, when they were really not in a position to do so. People could not understand his magical repoor with people, his magnetic pull, and also the aversion that he stirred in those who hated him. They were perplexed by him, yet intrigued, and keen to watch him. His enemies sent spies. Authorities were well informed of his movements. Jesus knew that there were many bad apples, and bad company around him. There was drama, ill intentions, and some wanted to kill him. Jesus desired to help people, to elevate them into a higher vibration, because some were hungry for his words of wisdom.

Some were extremely thirsty for spiritual nourishment. Jesus had the compassion when he saw their sincerity and hopefulness.

Jesus had reached a pinnacle in his personal development, and had the ability to teach those around him, on how to get there as well. To climb those mountains to a higher vibration, which is a worthy pursuit. He was showing those around him a more fulfilling state to be in, as a worthy mentor.

When the Pursuit of Social Status, and Personal Growth Clash

This video by Psychologist and author Dr. Ramani highlights the vast difference between the goals of Jesus’ sincere followers, and the morally corrupt Jesus talked about. Clearly, there is no middle ground between the two. These groups of people try to live in very different spheres, except when those with narcissistic personalities wants to corrupt, or steal from the other group, to get the admiration and social status they desperately want. This information shows, why some people, after years of affiliation, are quite willing to throw a person under a bus, when they see that you are getting status. Or they will get status, by getting rid of you, when it means they get what they want. Anyone is disposable in the narcissistic world, Dr Ramani explains.

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Dr Ramani considers the following research, the “ultimate anti-gaslight”. Huge amounts of science and data shows, that these are not just pie in the sky ideas; it’s a data-supported phenomenon. “As long as the narcissist feel that they are on top of the hierarchy, then everything is fine, then otherwise, watch out…”

According to Dr. Ramani, people with narcissistic personalities are in a constant search for social status, and a group of researchers, has produced a model, to more systematically address this issue. The researchers argue, that the pursuit of social status, helps narcissists ‘regulate’ themselves. She explains that these people have a lot of very strong emotions, like rage, acting out, passive aggressive rage, so they need something to regulate this, especially when they feel shamed or vulnerable.

“The pursuit of admiration, validation and social status, they are all ways of regulating those emotions, especially those vulnerable ones, as they come up. But these authors are arguing… is that narcissistic personalities are always on the hunt for social status…”

“Narcissistic people are believed to seek social status as a way to regulate self-esteem and emotion. If they have more status, they feel good. It goes beyond just having stuff, it’s about needing something to help them regulate.”

Dr Ramani attempts to explain, that the researchers found two basic avenues, by with these people attempt to find what they are looking for. The first is to self-promote; it’s the preening, bragging, arrogant posturing, and showing off. The second path, is via rivalry; basically getting status by putting other people down.

“Because narcissistic people are always monitoring the situation around them, they want to make sure that no-one else has more status than them. They are either going to self-promote, or put other people down, depending on how they assess a given situation, and what technique will work better, in any given place.”

Dr Ramani explains that although the SPIN model is still in the development and testing phase, she found it “elegantly simple”.

“They [the researchers] found that narcissistic folks are more likely to use the antagonistic rivalry model, by putting people down, to get status, when they perceive that they are treated badly. Or they are not getting the treatment to which they feel entitled.”

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If those with a narcissistic personality cannot find that ‘feel good’ and self-esteem that comes from healthy emotions, because emotions are what they most avoid in life. Then is the artificial means really worth chasing after?

The fact that they have to sabotage others, try to steal from others, or ruin other people’s lives over the goodness that they have, are telling… It’s not really worth the effort, is it? It doesn’t really satisfy to live on artificial self-esteem, when that is not the human being’s natural state? Eris transits teaches us that despite those initial ego wins, and instant gratifications, they are not so satisfying at all.

Look at Judas. He sobbed with grief, when he realised what he had done, and what he had lost… What an ass he was, being so blind to the truth. All this, possibly thanks to hidden insecurities that had not been addressed, coming back to bite him in the ass, with consequences that may have haunted him until his death.

Jesus in his Knowing of Self

Jesus had faith in the presence of The Holy Spirit, whom he said he was one with. He didn’t allow people around him, who tried to make him look a certain way, to influence who he knew him Self to be.

Jesus had a remarkable sense of Self (as a divine being, just like everyone else) and Self respect. He walked to the beat of his own drum, he was heart directed, and there was little need for him to defend himself. When people brought their drama or issues, he handled them calmly and brilliantly. Why? He confidently knew the truth about him Self, and the futility of fussing too much with ego and pride negativity.

Jesus knew that he was spiritually abundant, even though he was harshly judged by his haters.

Even though some were scheming against him, and trying to figure out a way to harm him, or how to seperate him from his goodness and emotional stability. Jesus knew better, and walked away from their judgements and criticism. Jesus knew it was not his responsibility to influence the hater’s opinion of him.

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Jesus was a light, inspiration and hope to those around him, who were able to love and appreciate him. Jesus had nothing to prove to anyone. Not to those who loved him, who were still learning and trying to get to where he was. And he had nothing to prove to the bad company, who were probably not happy with themselves, and where they were, which is why they zeroed in on Jesus in the first place.

Jesus was content with where he was, his human experience, and who he was. His knowing of Self. Being positive, authentic, loving, caring and filled with The Holy Spirit.

This state of being, caused people to feel all sorts of different ways about Jesus. This also saddened him, which is why he would often disappear for some periods of time, for respite and prayer, to get away from the chaos and discord his state of being inspired.

Did he really have a golden glow that was visible to the people? Or was the golden orbs portrayed in paintings just a representation of his positive light, or a representation of that glowing energy that sensitive people could feel around him?

I believe it was the energy of authenticity, truth and potential. Perhaps also a halo of emotional maturity. Beautiful beyond words.

Emotional Mastery and Emotional Intelligence

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Never underestimate the depth of the hate and envy someone may feel, because you stir their insecurities, vulnerabilities, or things they refuse to face inside themselves.

The story of Jesus shows that we must first work on ourselves, and attain Mastery, before we can really be in a position to help others. Help your Self first. Love your Self first. Heal your own unresolved issues, emotional eruptions, and dysfunctional patterns first. Get professional help if you must.

It is curious to me that Jesus grew up a simple carpenter’s son. There was nothing spectacular about him, other than the prophecies made by the three wise men who followed the stars (three astrologers?), and potential, possibly observed by his family. Some speculate that Jesus left home for a pilgrimage, to seek the wisdom and heart-calibration of other masters on how to attain mastery. It is speculated, that it was only when he was older, that he returned to his origins and started teaching; what he had learnt, and attained. Jesus taught that anyone can become like him.

Eris in Aries is a great example of the modern journey to Self mastery, manoeuvring through the negative aspects of (Aries) selfishness, being controlling, stubborn, arrogant, attention-seeking, impulsive, too impulsive etc.

Into the positive aspects of passionate, confident, courageous, faithful, motivated, inventive, focussed, driven, vibrant, enthusiastic, healthy Self focus etc.

If the research that Dr Ramani explained, show that social status and admiration are the things narcissistic personalities desire, so they can regulate their volatile emotions and feel good, how does that reflect on Eris in Aries? The zodiac sign of Aries is preoccupied with things like being admired, entitlement, and wanting to be seen for their self-esteem and confidence. Can you see the link?

Video: The Eris-Pluto Square continues to create chaotic discord upon our Earthly plane... This is why this practice is so essential! Today, we focus on cellular healing with an invitation for the Holy Spirit to work through us. Enjoy! Visit: Video by Belinda Pearl, posted 20 Jul 2021.

Born Again Christians, Understanding the Path, and Seeing the Christ Consciousness Light Within

This is a concept that I have wondered about for many years, since I was about 12 years old. And thanks to my life experiences, I am finally able to say that it now makes a great deal of sense to me, through the exploration of astrology and Eris myth.

During Eris transits, people are given the opportunity, by God if you must call it that, to face their anger and defensiveness at the changes life imposed on them, and allow themselves to feel their pain and weep at their losses. Christians in general, hold their principles and purity in high esteem, and want to operate with integrity. They don’t want to sell themselves out to the devil, or do something that is not in alignment with their beliefs.

In this process, people rediscover themselves, by looking within, finding new hope. Such is the kind of experience one is likely to have under an Eris square Pluto transit. As discussed in a previous article, Pluto transits can wipe the slate clean for a fresh start, and can be very transformational.

But Eris transits tend to be total change, if one is willing to go along with the experience, instead of fighting it.

It is the beautiful release, and letting go, and enduring the purification by fire, of the psychological death. This all encompassing change prepares the foundation for new beginning, as the phoenix do rise from the ashes, reborn, and totally new; able to embrace, that which one previously could not even fathom.

Christians typically endures their trial, and embrace a emotionally mature attitude to them. It is evident that this total reorientation of one’s life, can be done, and it can be ultimately… good.

This journey of total annihilation of an old Self is the same that many others have taken, like Jesus, Cinderella, Snow White, Maleficent etc. In allowing the loss, they make a passionate invitation for a higher power to take over, and bring in a new plan for one’s life, instead of the ego’s. The stories to the right eloquently demonstrates that through a loss, sometimes surprising, unique and abundant gains can be made…

This understanding, about the nature, and the anatomy of Eris square Pluto transits, is what I am trying to demonstrate through these articles. Everyone has their own unique experiences, but there is a common thread, that we can come to terms with.

It’s about those who had been wronged by people or circumstances, having to forgive and let go, rising and elevating instead. Experiencing a resurrection of sorts.

These understandings may help some individuals to take their spiritual journey to new heights. To be born again, or be like a new born baby, after a significant total change experience. Jesus Christ do want to help all people raise their vibration, and lead them to the light inside themselves, so they can enjoy new beginnings, with potentials previously not available to them. Those who allow these changes, will be the leaders of inspiration for others, eventually… So have some understanding and respect for this very important and purposeful path.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil. My cup runs over.
— Psalm 23:5 NKJ


I have personally found extreme benefit and emotional healing from an online course that is related to many things mentioned in this article. It is the Crimson Circle’s SES Workshop. Blessings.

Eris in Astrology transits 2020 - 2028


Transit Eris in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn five times causing opportunity for growth and awareness. The dates are:

  • 26 January 2020

  • 14 June 2020

  • 10 December 2020

  • 27 August 2021

  • 9 October 2021

  • Personal planets will continue to stir the trigger points with conjunctions.

  • In orb October 10 ~ Feb 11 2023

  • In orb April 8 2023 ~ December 26 2023

  • In orb July 27 2024 ~ November 2 2024

  • Leaves November 3 2024.

Starting in 2024 to 2028, Eris and Chiron will be conjunct in Aries.

In 2027, Saturn will start its conjunction to Eris, going into 2028.

We are going to see this energy for some time to come…

Better learn to deal with the energy sooner, rather than later.

Take responsibility for your Self is the antidote.